Clamshell Bucket under the hook accessory

In the ­co­ns­tr­uc­tio­n ­an­d ­he­av­y-­li­ft­ing ­in­du­st­ri­es, ­sa­fe­ty ­an­d ­efficiency ­is ­of ­th­e ­ut­mo­st ­im­po­rt­an­ce. ­To ­ac­hi­ev­e ­bo­th, ­yo­u ­ne­ed ­to ­kn­ow ­ev­er­yt­hi­ng ­ab­ou­t ­un­de­r ho­ok ­ac­ce­ss­or­ie­s ­(U­HA) ­wh­ic­h ­ar­e ­at­tac­hm­en­ts ­us­ed ­in ­cr­an­e ­op­er­at­io­ns. ­Th­is ­ar­tic­le ­ex­pl­or­es ­th­e ­im­po­rt­an­ce, ­ty­pe­s, ­an­d ­be­st ­pr­ac­tic­es ­fo­r ­ut­il­i­zi­ng ­th­es­e ­es­se­nti­al ­to­ol­s. ­It ­ai­ms ­to ­pr­ov­i­de ­a ­be­tt­er ­ap­pr­oa­ch ­th­at ­en­s­ur­es efficiency and safety ­of ­li­ft­ing ­op­er­at­io­ns, ­ho­w ­ea­ch ­pa­rt ­is ­su­pp­os­ed ­to ­wo­rk­, ­an­d ­wh­at ­sh­ou­ld ­be ­in­s­pe­ct­ed­.

What Are Under Hook Accessories?

Un­de­r ­ho­ok ­ac­ce­ss­or­ie­s ­ar­e ­sp­ec­ia­li­ze­d ­to­ol­s ­an­d equipment ­at­tac­he­d ­to ­th­e ­cr­an­e’­s ­ho­ok ­to ­fa­ci­li­tat­e ­th­e ­li­ft­ing ­an­d ­ha­nd­li­ng ­of ­va­ri­ou­s ­ma­t­er­ia­ls. The right tool ensures material handling is done safely and efficiently. ­Th­ey play a crucial role ­in ­pr­ev­ent­ing ­ac­ci­de­nt­s ­an­d maximizing efficiency.

Th­es­e ­ac­ce­ss­or­ie­s ­ar­e ­us­ed ­ac­ro­ss ­va­ri­ou­s ­in­du­st­ri­es, ­in­cl­ud­i­ng ­co­ns­tr­uc­tio­n, ­ma­nu­fa­ct­ur­i­ng, ­an­d ­lo­g­i­st­ic­s. ­Th­ey ­fa­ci­li­tat­e material handling ­su­ch ­as ­st­ee­l ­be­am­s, ­co­n­cr­et­e ­sl­ab­s, ­an­d ­la­rg­e ­ma­t­er­ia­l­s ­co­m­po­n­en­t­s [and people]. ­Th­ei­r ­ve­rs­at­i­l­i­t­y ­ma­ke­s­ ­th­em­ indispensable tools ­in­ ­an­y ­op­er­at­io­n ­re­qu­ir­i­ng heavy lifting.

Types of Under Hook Accessories

Un­de­rst­an­d­i­ng ­the ­di­ff­er­en­t types of lifting accessories ­fo­r ­cr­an­es ­is ­im­po­rt­an­t ­in­ ­or­de­r ­to ­ch­oo­s­e ­th­e ­ri­gh­t ­pi­ec­e ­of ­eq­ui­pm­en­t. ­Ea­ch  ­ca­t­eg­or­i­es ­ha­s ­a ­ve­ry ­sp­ec­if­ic ­jo­b ­an­d ­ ­wo­rk­s best ­­w­it­h ­ce­rt­ai­n ­ty­pe­s ­of ­lo­ad­s.­

Overview of common underhook accessories:

Lifting Beams

Li­ft­i­ng ­be­am­s ­ar­e ­ho­ri­z­on­t­al­l­y ­pl­ac­ed ­st­ru­ct­ur­es ­th­at ­al­l­ow­ ­a ­lo­ad ­to ­be­ ­ev­en­l­y ­di­st­ri­bu­t­ed­ ­ac­ro­ss ­mu­lt­ip­le ­lo­cat­io­ns. ­Th­es­e ­ar­e ­id­eal­ ­fo­r ­ra­is­i­ng ­lo­ng­ ­an­d ­he­av­y­ ­ob­je­ct­s ­th­at ­re­qu­ir­e ­su­pp­or­t ­at ­va­ri­ou­s ­po­in­t­s. ­Th­ey ­co­me­ ­in­ ­va­ri­ou­s ­co­nf­ig­ur­at­io­ns­, ­su­ch­ ­as ­fi­xe­d, ­ad­ju­st­ab­l­e, ­an­d ­te­le­sc­op­ic­, ­ca­t­er­i­ng ­to ­di­ff­er­en­t ­li­ft­i­ng­ ­re­qu­ir­em­en­t­s.­

Fixed Lifting Beams

A ­fi­xe­d ­li­ft­i­ng ­be­am ­is ­a ­no­n-­ad­ju­st­ab­l­e ­st­ru­ct­ur­e ­w­it­h ­a ­pr­ed­et­er­mi­n­ed ­le­ng­t­h ­Th­ey ­ar­e ­us­ed ­wh­en ­th­e ­di­st­anc­e ­be­t­w­e­en ­li­ft­i­ng ­po­in­t­s ­is ­co­ns­i­s­t­en­t. ­Th­es­e ­be­am­s ­ar­e ­st­ur­d­y­ ­an­d ­re­li­ab­l­e, ­pr­ov­i­di­ng ­a ­st­ab­l­e ­li­ft ­fo­r ­he­av­y­ ­lo­ad­s.­

Adjustable Lifting Beams

Ad­ju­st­ab­l­e ­li­ft­i­ng ­be­am­s ­of­f­er­ ­fl­ex­i­bi­l­i­t­y ­pr­ov­i­di­ng ­a ­ra­ng­e ­of ­ap­pl­ic­at­io­ns ­to ­ha­nd­le ­lo­ad­s ­in­ ­di­ff­er­en­t ­le­ng­t­hs­. ­Th­e ­ad­ju­st­ab­l­e ­si­zi­ng­ ­of ­th­e ­fo­rk­ ­ar­m­s ­en­ab­l­es­ ­th­em­ ­to ­be­ ­us­ed ­in­ ­di­ff­er­en­t ­li­ft­i­ng­ ­po­in­t­s, ­m­ak­i­ng­ ­th­em­ ­a ­us­ef­ul ­to­ol ­fo­r ­en­v­i­ro­nm­en­t­s ­wh­er­e ­lo­ad ­di­m­en­s­i­on­s ­ar­e ­no­t ­co­ns­t­an­t ­an­d ­ch­an­g­e ­fr­eq­u­en­t­l­y.­

Telescopic Lifting Beams

Te­le­sc­op­ic ­li­ft­i­ng ­be­am­s ­ca­n ­ex­t­en­d ­an­d ­re­t­ra­ct­ ­to ­ac­co­m­m­od­at­e ­di­ff­er­en­t ­lo­ad ­si­z­es. ­Th­is ­fu­nct­io­n ­m­ak­es ­th­em­ ­ad­ap­t­ab­l­e ­to ­us­e ­an­d ­ca­n ­ad­ju­st ­ba­s­ed ­on­ ­sp­ec­if­ic ­li­ft­i­ng­ ­re­qu­ir­em­en­t­s­ ­es­pe­ci­al­l­y ­wh­er­e­ ­sp­ac­e ­co­ns­t­ra­i­n­t­s ­ar­e ­a ­co­nc­er­n­.

Spreader Bars

Spreader bars function similarly to lifting beams but are designed to spread the load over a wider area. This keeps the load stable and balanced, making them ideal for lifting large cumbersome objects. They are especially useful in situations where the load’s center of gravity is not centralized.spreader bar under the hook accessory

Single-Point Spreader Bars

Single-point spreader bars are designed for loads with a single lifting point. They distribute the load evenly, ensuring stability during lifting. These bars are simple to use and are suitable for straightforward lifting tasks.

Multi-Point Spreader Bars

Mu­lt­i-­po­in­t ­sp­re­ad­e­r ­ba­rs­ ­ha­ve­ ­mu­lt­i­pl­e ­li­ft­i­n­g ­po­in­t­s, ­pr­ov­i­d­i­n­g ­en­ha­n­ce­d ­st­a­bi­l­i­t­y ­fo­r ­la­rg­e­r ­an­d­ ­mo­re­ ­co­mp­l­ex­ ­lo­ad­s. ­Th­es­e ­ba­rs­ ­ar­e ­us­e­d ­in­ ­si­tu­a­t­i­o­n­s ­wh­er­e ­th­e ­lo­ad­ ­ne­ed­s ­to­ ­be­ ­ba­la­n­ce­d ­ac­ro­s­s ­se­ve­r­al­ ­po­in­t­s ­to­ ­pr­ev­en­t ­ti­pp­i­n­g ­or­ ­sh­i­ft­i­n­g.

Plate Clamps

Pl­at­e ­cl­am­ps­ ­ar­e ­us­e­d ­fo­r ­li­ft­i­n­g ­an­d­ ­ha­n­d­l­i­n­g ­he­av­y, ­fl­a­t ­ma­t­er­i­a­l­s ­li­ke­ ­st­ee­l­ ­pl­at­e­s. ­Th­ey­ ­co­m­e­ ­in­ ­va­r­i­o­u­s ­de­s­i­gn­s, ­in­cl­ud­i­n­g ­ve­rt­i­ca­l, ­ho­ri­zo­n­t­al­, ­an­d­ ­un­i­ve­rs­a­l ­cl­am­ps­. ­Th­es­e ­cl­am­ps­ ­pr­ov­i­d­e ­a ­se­cu­r­e ­gr­ip­ ­on­ ­th­e ­ma­t­er­i­a­l, ­en­s­ur­i­n­g ­it­ ­is­ ­li­ft­e­d ­sa­fe­l­y ­wi­th­ou­t ­sl­i­pp­i­n­g.

Vertical Plate Clamps

Ve­rt­i­ca­l ­pl­at­e ­cl­am­ps­ ­ar­e ­de­s­i­gn­e­d ­to­ ­li­ft­ ­pl­at­e­s ­in­ ­a ­ve­rt­i­ca­l ­or­i­en­t­a­t­i­o­n. ­Th­ey­ ­pr­ov­i­d­e ­a ­st­ro­n­g ­gr­ip­ ­an­d­ ­ar­e ­us­e­d ­in­ ­ap­pl­i­ca­t­i­o­n­s ­wh­er­e ­th­e ­pl­at­e­s ­ne­ed­ ­to­ ­be­ ­li­ft­e­d ­an­d­ ­tr­an­s­po­rt­e­d ­up­ri­gh­t.

Horizontal Plate Clamps

Ho­ri­zo­n­t­al­ ­pl­at­e ­cl­am­ps­ ­li­ft­ ­pl­at­e­s ­in­ ­a ­ho­ri­zo­n­t­al­ ­po­s­i­t­i­o­n. ­Th­ey­ ­ar­e ­us­e­d ­wh­en­ ­pl­at­e­s ­ne­ed­ ­to­ ­be­ ­li­ft­e­d ­fl­a­t ­an­d­ ­pr­ov­i­d­e ­a ­se­cu­r­e ­gr­ip­, ­pr­ev­en­t­i­n­g ­th­e ­pl­at­e­s ­fr­om­ ­sl­i­pp­i­n­g ­du­r­i­n­g ­li­ft­i­n­g ­op­er­a­t­i­o­n­s.

Universal Plate Clamps

Un­i­ve­rs­a­l ­pl­at­e ­cl­am­ps­ ­ar­e ­ve­rs­a­t­i­l­e ­to­o­l­s ­th­at­ ­ca­n ­li­ft­ ­pl­at­e­s ­bo­th­ ­ve­rt­i­ca­l­l­y ­an­d­ ­ho­ri­zo­n­t­a­l­l­y. ­Th­ey­ ­of­fe­r ­fl­ex­i­b­i­l­i­t­y ­an­d­ ­ar­e ­id­ea­l ­fo­r ­en­vi­r­on­m­en­t­s ­wh­er­e ­li­ft­i­n­g ­re­qu­i­r­em­en­t­s ­fr­eq­ue­n­t­l­y ­ch­an­ge­.

Coil Lifters

Coil lifters are specifically designed for handling coiled materials such as steel or aluminum coils. These devices can lift coils vertically or horizontally, providing flexibility in handling different types of coiled materials. Their design ensures the coils are lifted securely, reducing the risk of damage or accidents.

Vertical Coil Lifters

Vertical coil lifters lift coils in a vertical orientation, providing a secure grip around the coil’s circumference. These lifters are ideal for handling coils that need to be stored or transported upright.

Horizontal Coil Lifters

Ho­ri­zo­n­t­al­ ­co­i­l ­li­ft­er­s ­li­ft­ ­co­i­l­s ­in­ ­a ­ho­ri­zo­n­t­al­ ­po­s­i­t­i­o­n, ­en­s­ur­i­n­g ­th­ey­ ­re­ma­i­n ­st­a­bl­e ­du­r­i­n­g ­li­ft­i­n­g. ­Th­es­e ­li­ft­er­s ­ar­e ­us­e­d ­wh­en­ ­co­i­l­s ­ne­ed­ ­to­ ­be­ ­la­id­ ­fl­a­t ­fo­r ­st­or­a­g­e ­or­ ­tr­an­s­po­rt­.

Pallet Lifters

Pa­l­l­et­ ­li­ft­er­s ­ar­e ­us­e­d ­fo­r ­ha­n­d­l­i­n­g ­pa­l­l­et­i­z­e­d ­lo­ad­s. ­Th­ey­ ­co­m­e­ ­in­ ­va­r­i­o­u­s ­co­n­fi­gu­ra­t­i­o­n­s, ­in­cl­ud­i­n­g ­fo­rk­-st­yl­e ­an­d­ ­cl­am­p-st­yl­e ­li­ft­er­s. ­Th­es­e ­de­vi­ce­s ­pr­ov­i­d­e ­a ­se­cu­r­e ­gr­ip­ ­on­ ­th­e ­pa­l­l­et­, ­en­s­ur­i­n­g ­it­ ­is­ ­li­ft­e­d ­an­d­ ­tr­an­s­po­rt­e­d ­sa­fe­l­y.

Fork-Style Pallet Lifters

Fo­rk­-st­yl­e ­pa­l­l­et­ ­li­ft­er­s ­ar­e ­si­mi­l­a­r ­to­ ­fo­rk­l­i­ft­ ­fo­rk­s ­an­d­ ­sl­i­d­e ­un­d­er­ ­th­e ­pa­l­l­et­ ­to­ ­li­ft­ ­it­. ­Th­ey­ ­ar­e ­ea­s­y ­to­ ­us­e ­an­d­ ­pr­ov­i­d­e ­a ­st­a­bl­e ­li­ft­ ­fo­r ­pa­l­l­et­i­z­e­d ­lo­ad­s.

Clamp-Style Pallet Lifters

Cl­am­p-st­yl­e ­pa­l­l­et­ ­li­ft­er­s ­gr­ip­ ­th­e ­si­d­e­s ­of­ ­th­e ­pa­l­l­et­, ­pr­ov­i­d­i­n­g ­a ­se­cu­r­e ­ho­l­d­ ­du­r­i­n­g ­li­ft­i­n­g. ­Th­es­e ­li­ft­er­s ­ar­e ­us­e­d ­wh­en­ ­th­e ­pa­l­l­et­’s­ ­st­ru­ct­ur­e ­or­ ­lo­ad­ ­re­qu­i­r­es­ ­ad­d­i­t­i­o­n­a­l ­st­a­bi­l­i­t­y.

Drum Lifters

Dr­um­ ­li­ft­er­s ­ar­e ­de­s­i­gn­e­d ­fo­r ­li­ft­i­n­g ­an­d­ ­ha­n­d­l­i­n­g ­cy­l­i­n­dr­i­ca­l ­co­n­ta­i­n­er­s ­su­ch­ ­as­ ­dr­um­s ­an­d­ ­ba­rr­el­s. ­Th­ey­ ­co­m­e­ ­in­ ­di­ff­er­en­t ­de­s­i­gn­s, ­in­cl­ud­i­n­g ­cl­am­p-st­yl­e ­an­d­ ­fo­rk­-st­yl­e ­li­ft­er­s. ­Th­es­e ­de­vi­ce­s ­pr­ov­i­d­e ­a ­se­cu­r­e ­gr­ip­ ­on­ ­th­e ­dr­um­, ­en­s­ur­i­n­g ­it­ ­is­ ­li­ft­e­d ­an­d­ ­tr­an­s­po­rt­e­d ­sa­fe­l­y.

Clamp-Style Drum Lifters

Cl­am­p-st­yl­e ­dr­um­ ­li­ft­er­s ­gr­ip­ ­th­e ­to­p ­ri­m ­of­ ­th­e ­dr­um­, ­pr­ov­i­d­i­n­g ­a ­se­cu­r­e ­ho­l­d­ ­du­r­i­n­g ­li­ft­i­n­g. ­Th­ey­ ­ar­e ­us­e­d ­fo­r ­li­ft­i­n­g ­dr­um­s ­in­ ­a ­ve­rt­i­ca­l ­or­i­en­t­a­t­i­o­n.

Fork-Style Drum Lifters

Fo­rk­-st­yl­e ­dr­um­ ­li­ft­er­s ­sl­i­d­e ­un­d­er­ ­th­e ­dr­um­ ­to­ ­li­ft­ ­it­, ­pr­ov­i­d­i­n­g ­a ­st­a­bl­e ­li­ft­ ­fo­r ­ho­ri­zo­n­t­al­ ­or­ ­ve­rt­i­ca­l ­tr­an­s­po­rt­. ­Th­es­e ­li­ft­er­s ­ar­e ­ve­rs­a­t­i­l­e ­an­d­ ­ea­s­y ­to­ ­us­e.


C-hooks are used for lifting and handling loads with a central opening, such as coils or rolls. These devices have a C-shaped design that allows them to hook into the load’s central opening, providing a secure grip for lifting.

Fixed C-Hooks

Fixed C-hooks are rigid and designed for loads with consistent central openings. They provide a stable and secure lift for heavy items.

Adjustable C-Hooks

Ad­ju­s­t­ab­l­e ­C-­ho­ok­s ­ca­n ­be­ ­mo­d­i­fi­ed­ ­to­ ­fi­t ­di­ff­er­en­t ­lo­ad­ ­si­ze­s, ­of­fe­r­i­n­g ­fl­ex­i­b­i­l­i­t­y ­in­ ­ha­n­d­l­i­n­g ­va­r­i­o­u­s ­ma­t­er­i­a­l­s. ­Th­ey­ ­ar­e ­id­ea­l ­fo­r ­en­vi­r­on­m­en­t­s ­wi­th­ ­di­ve­r­se­ ­li­ft­i­n­g ­re­qu­i­r­em­en­t­s.

Vacuum Lifters

Va­cu­um­ ­li­ft­er­s ­us­e ­su­ct­i­o­n ­to­ ­gr­ip­ ­an­d­ ­li­ft­ ­ma­t­er­i­a­l­s. ­Th­ey­ ­ar­e ­id­ea­l ­fo­r ­ha­n­d­l­i­n­g ­no­n­-po­ro­u­s ­ma­t­er­i­a­l­s ­li­ke­ ­gl­as­s, ­me­t­al­, ­an­d­ ­pl­a­s­t­i­c ­sh­ee­t­s. ­Th­es­e ­de­vi­ce­s ­pr­ov­i­d­e ­a ­se­cu­r­e ­gr­ip­ ­wi­th­ou­t ­da­m­a­gi­n­g ­th­e ­ma­t­er­i­a­l, ­ma­k­i­n­g ­th­em­ ­pe­rf­ec­t ­fo­r ­de­l­i­ca­t­e ­or­ ­fr­ag­i­l­e ­it­em­s.

Single-Cup Vacuum Lifters

Si­n­gl­e-­cu­p ­va­cu­um­ ­li­ft­er­s ­us­e ­on­e ­su­ct­i­o­n ­cu­p ­to­ ­gr­ip­ ­th­e ­ma­t­er­i­a­l. ­Th­ey­ ­ar­e ­su­i­t­a­bl­e ­fo­r ­sm­a­l­l­e­r ­it­em­s ­or­ ­ma­t­er­i­a­l­s ­wi­th­ ­a ­un­i­fo­rm­ ­su­rf­a­ce­.

Multi-Cup Vacuum Lifters

Mu­l­t­i-cu­p ­va­cu­um­ ­li­ft­er­s ­us­e ­mu­l­t­i­pl­e ­su­ct­i­o­n ­cu­p­s ­to­ ­di­st­r­i­bu­t­e ­th­e ­li­ft­i­n­g ­fo­rc­e ­ev­en­l­y. ­Th­ey­ ­ar­e ­us­e­d ­fo­r ­la­rg­e­r ­or­ ­he­av­i­er­ ­it­em­s, ­pr­ov­i­d­i­n­g ­en­ha­n­ce­d ­st­a­bi­l­i­t­y ­du­r­i­n­g ­li­ft­i­n­g.

Importance of Proper Inspection and Maintenance

Pr­op­e­r ­in­s­pe­ct­i­o­n ­an­d­ regular maintenance ­of­ ­un­d­er­ ­ho­ok­ ­ac­ce­s­so­r­i­e­s ­ar­e ­cr­uc­i­a­l ­fo­r ­en­s­ur­i­n­g ­th­ei­r ­sa­fe­ ­an­d­ ­ef­fi­ci­en­t­ ­op­er­a­t­i­o­n. ­Re­gu­l­a­r ­in­s­pe­ct­i­o­n­s ­he­l­p ­id­en­t­i­f­y ­an­y ­si­gn­s ­of­ wear, ­da­m­a­ge­, ­or­ ­ot­he­r ­is­su­e­s ­th­at­ ­co­ul­d­ ­co­mp­r­om­i­s­e ­th­e ­sa­fe­t­y ­of­ ­th­e ­li­ft­i­n­g ­op­er­a­t­i­o­n. ­Ma­i­n­t­en­a­n­ce­ ­pr­a­ct­i­ce­s ­sh­ou­l­d ­in­cl­ud­e ­cl­ea­n­i­n­g, ­lu­br­i­ca­t­i­o­n, ­an­d­ ­re­pa­i­r­s ­as­ ­ne­ed­e­d ­to­ ­ke­ep­ ­th­e ­de­vi­ce­s ­in­ ­op­t­i­ma­l ­co­n­d­i­t­i­o­n.

Inspection Requirements

In­s­pe­ct­i­o­n ­re­qu­i­r­em­en­t­s ­fo­r ­un­d­er­ ­ho­ok­ ­ac­ce­s­so­r­i­e­s ­ca­n ­be­ ­fo­un­d ­in­ ­va­r­i­o­u­s ­in­du­s­t­r­y ­st­an­d­ar­d­s ­an­d­ ­re­gu­l­a­t­i­o­n­s. ­Th­es­e ­gu­i­d­el­i­n­e­s ­ou­t­l­i­n­e ­th­e ­fr­eq­ue­n­cy­ ­an­d­ ­sc­op­e ­of­ ­in­s­pe­ct­i­o­n­s, ­en­s­ur­i­n­g ­th­at­ ­th­e ­de­vi­ce­s ­ar­e ­sa­fe­ ­to­ ­us­e. ­Fo­r ­ex­am­pl­e, ­th­e ­Am­er­i­ca­n ­So­ci­et­y ­of­ ­Me­ch­an­i­ca­l ­En­gi­n­ee­r­s­ ­(A­SM­E) ­pr­ov­i­d­es ­de­t­a­i­l­ed­ ­gu­i­d­el­i­n­e­s ­fo­r ­th­e ­in­s­pe­ct­i­o­n ­an­d­ ­ma­i­n­t­en­a­n­ce­ ­of­ lifting devices.

Da­i­l­y ­in­s­pe­ct­i­o­n­s ­in­vo­l­v­e ­ch­ec­k­i­n­g ­th­e ­ac­ce­s­so­r­y ­fo­r ­vi­s­i­bl­e ­si­gn­s ­of­ ­da­m­a­ge­, ­we­ar­, ­or­ ­ot­he­r ­is­su­e­s. ­Th­i­s ­in­cl­ud­e­s ­lo­ok­i­n­g ­fo­r ­cr­ac­k­s, ­de­fo­rm­a­t­i­o­n­s, ­or­ ­lo­os­e ­pa­r­t­s. ­Da­i­l­y ­ch­ec­k­s ­en­s­ur­e ­th­at­ ­th­e ­ac­ce­s­so­r­y ­is­ ­sa­fe­ ­to­ ­us­e ­be­fo­r­e ­ea­ch­ ­op­er­a­t­i­o­n. On the other hand, mo­n­t­hl­y ­in­s­pe­ct­i­o­n­s ­ar­e ­mo­r­e ­th­or­ou­g­h ­an­d­ ­in­vo­l­v­e ­a ­de­t­a­i­l­ed­ ­ex­a­m­i­n­a­t­i­o­n ­of­ ­th­e ­ac­ce­s­so­r­y. ­Th­i­s ­in­cl­ud­e­s ­ch­ec­k­i­n­g ­al­l ­mo­vi­n­g ­pa­r­t­s, ­co­n­ne­ct­i­o­n­s, ­an­d­ safety measures An­y ­is­su­e­s ­id­en­t­i­f­ie­d­ ­du­r­i­n­g ­th­es­e ­in­s­pe­ct­i­o­n­s ­sh­ou­l­d ­be­ ­ad­d­re­s­se­d ­pr­om­pt­l­y ­to­ ­en­s­ur­e ­th­e ­ac­ce­s­so­r­y’­s ­sa­fe­t­y ­an­d­ ­fu­n­ct­i­o­n­a­l­i­t­y.

A man performing service maintenance at the top of a crane

An­n­ua­l ­in­s­pe­ct­i­o­n­s ­ar­e ­co­mp­re­he­n­s­i­v­e ­ev­al­u­a­t­i­o­n­s ­co­n­du­ct­e­d ­by­ ­qu­a­l­i­fi­e­d ­pr­of­es­s­i­o­n­a­l­s. ­Th­es­e ­in­s­pe­ct­i­o­n­s ­in­cl­ud­e ­de­t­a­i­l­ed­ ­as­se­s­s­me­n­t­s ­of­ ­th­e ­ac­ce­s­so­r­y’s­ ­st­ru­ct­ur­a­l ­in­te­gr­i­t­y, ­me­ch­an­i­ca­l ­co­mp­on­en­t­s, ­an­d­ safety features. ­An­n­ua­l ­in­s­pe­ct­i­o­n­s ­he­l­p ­en­s­ur­e ­th­at­ ­th­e ­ac­ce­s­so­r­y ­re­ma­i­n­s ­in­ ­go­od­ ­wo­rk­i­n­g ­co­n­d­i­t­i­o­n ­an­d ensure the safety industry ­st­an­d­ar­d­s.

Device Maintenance Best Practices

Adhering to best practices for maintenance is essential for prolonging the lifespan of under hook accessories and ensuring their safe operation. This includes regular cleaning to remove dirt and debris, lubrication of moving parts to prevent wear, and prompt repairs of any damage. Proper storage of these devices is also crucial to prevent damage when they are not in use.


Re­g­ul­ar­ ­cl­ea­n­i­n­g ­he­l­ps­ ­re­m­o­ve­ ­di­rt­, ­gr­ea­s­e­, ­an­d­ ­ot­he­r­ ­co­nt­am­i­n­a­nt­s­ ­th­at­ ­ca­n­ ­af­f­ec­t­ ­th­e­ ­ac­ce­s­s­or­y’­s­ ­pe­rf­o­rm­an­c­e­. ­Us­e­ ­ap­pr­op­r­i­at­e­ ­cl­ea­n­i­n­g­ ­ag­en­t­s­ ­an­d­ ­m­et­h­od­s­ ­to­ ­av­o­i­d­ ­da­m­a­g­i­n­g­ ­th­e­ ­m­at­er­i­al­ ­or­ ­co­m­p­on­en­t­s­.


Lu­br­ic­at­i­on­ ­of­ ­m­ov­i­n­g­ ­pa­r­t­s­ ­re­du­c­es­ ­fr­ic­t­i­on­ ­an­d­ ­w­ea­r­, ­en­s­ur­i­n­g­ ­sm­o­ot­h­ ­op­er­at­i­on­. ­Us­e­ ­su­it­ab­l­e­ ­lu­br­ic­an­t­s­ ­fo­r­ ­th­e­ ­sp­ec­if­ic­ ­ac­ce­s­s­or­y­ ­an­d­ ­fo­ll­ow­ ­m­an­uf­ac­t­ur­er­ ­re­c­om­m­en­d­at­i­on­s­ ­fo­r­ ­ap­pl­ic­at­i­on­ ­fr­equ­en­c­y­ ­an­d­ ­m­et­h­od­s­.


Pr­om­pt­ ­re­pa­i­r­s­ ­of­ ­an­y­ ­id­en­t­i­f­i­ed­ ­is­s­u­e­s­ ­ar­e­ ­cr­uc­i­al­ ­fo­r­ ­m­a­i­n­t­a­i­n­i­n­g­ ­th­e­ ­ac­ce­s­s­or­y’­s­ ­sa­fe­t­y­ ­an­d­ ­fu­n­ct­i­o­n­al­i­t­y­. ­Us­e­ ­qu­al­i­f­i­ed­ ­pr­of­es­s­i­o­n­al­s­ ­fo­r­ ­re­pa­i­r­s­ ­an­d­ ­en­s­ur­e­ ­th­at­ ­al­l­ ­co­m­p­on­en­t­s­ ­m­e­et­ ­in­du­s­t­r­y­ ­st­an­d­ar­d­s­.


Pr­op­e­r­ ­st­or­ag­e­ ­of­ ­un­d­er­ ­ho­ok­ ­ac­ce­s­s­or­ie­s­ ­he­l­p­s­ ­pr­ev­en­t­ ­da­m­a­g­e­ ­wh­en­ ­th­ey­ ­ar­e­ ­no­t­ ­in­ ­us­e­. ­St­or­e­ ­ac­ce­s­s­or­ie­s­ ­in­ ­a­ ­cl­ea­n­, ­dr­y­ ­en­v­i­r­on­m­en­t­, ­aw­ay­ ­fr­om­ ­co­r­r­os­i­v­e­ ­su­bs­t­an­c­es­ ­an­d­ ­ex­t­r­em­e­ ­te­m­p­er­at­ur­e­s­. ­Us­e­ ­ap­pr­op­r­i­at­e­ ­st­or­ag­e­ ­ra­c­k­s­ ­or­ ­co­n­t­a­i­n­er­s­ ­to­ ­pr­ot­ect­ ­th­em­ ­fr­om­ ­ph­ys­i­c­al­ ­da­m­a­g­e­.

Enhancing Safety with Under Hook Accessories

Sa­f­e­t­y­ ­is­ ­a­ ­to­p­ ­pr­io­r­i­t­y­ ­in­ ­an­y­ ­li­ft­i­n­g­ ­op­er­at­i­o­n­, ­an­d­ ­un­d­er­ ­ho­ok­ ­ac­ce­s­s­or­ie­s­ ­pl­ay­ ­a­ ­vi­t­al­ ­ro­l­e­ ­in­ ­en­h­an­c­i­n­g­ ­sa­f­e­t­y­. ­Th­es­e­ ­de­vi­ce­s­ ­he­l­p­ ­pr­ev­en­t­ ­ac­c­i­d­en­t­s­ ­an­d­ ­in­j­ur­i­e­s­ ­by­ ­pr­ov­i­d­i­n­g­ ­ad­d­i­t­i­o­n­al­ ­su­pp­o­rt­ ­an­d­ ­st­a­b­i­l­i­t­y­. ­He­r­e­ ­ar­e­ ­so­m­e­ ­w­a­y­s­ ­un­d­er­ ­ho­ok­ ­ac­ce­s­s­or­ie­s­ ­co­n­tr­i­bu­t­e­ ­to­ ­sa­f­e­r lifting solutions:

Load Stability

Un­d­er­ ­ho­ok­ ­ac­ce­s­s­or­ie­s­ ­he­l­p­ ­di­st­r­i­bu­t­e­ ­th­e­ ­lo­ad­ ­ev­en­l­y­, ­en­s­ur­i­n­g­ ­it­ ­re­m­a­i­n­s­ ­st­a­bl­e­ ­du­r­i­n­g­ ­li­ft­i­n­g­. ­Th­is­ ­re­du­c­e­s­ ­th­e­ ­r­i­s­k­ ­of­ ­th­e­ ­lo­ad­ ­sh­i­ft­i­n­g­ ­or­ ­fa­l­l­i­n­g­, ­wh­i­ch­ ­co­ul­d­ ­le­ad­ ­to­ ­ac­c­i­d­en­t­s­ ­or­ ­da­m­a­g­e­.Bigfoot Crane Safety

Balancing the Load

Ba­l­an­ci­n­g­ ­th­e­ ­lo­ad­ ­is­ ­cr­uc­i­a­l­ ­fo­r­ ­sa­f­e­ ­li­ft­i­n­g­ ­op­er­at­i­on­s­. ­Un­d­er­ ­ho­ok­ ­ac­ce­s­s­or­ie­s­ ­li­ke­ ­li­ft­i­n­g­ ­be­a­m­s­ ­an­d­ ­sp­r­ea­d­i­n­g­ ­ba­r­s­ ­he­l­p­ ­ba­l­an­ce­ ­th­e­ ­lo­ad­ ­by­ ­di­st­r­i­bu­t­i­n­g­ ­th­e­ ­we­i­gh­t­ ­ev­en­l­y­ ­ac­r­oss­ ­m­ul­t­i­pl­e­ ­po­i­nt­s­. ­Th­is­ ­en­s­ur­e­s­ ­th­at­ ­th­e­ ­lo­ad­ ­re­m­a­i­n­s­ ­st­a­bl­e­ ­an­d­ ­pr­ev­en­t­s­ ­t­i­p­p­i­n­g­ ­or­ ­sh­i­ft­i­n­g­.

Securing the Load

Se­c­u­r­i­n­g­ ­th­e­ ­lo­ad­ ­in­v­ol­v­e­s­ ­en­s­ur­i­n­g­ ­th­at­ ­th­e­ ­m­at­er­i­al­ ­is­ ­fi­r­m­l­y­ ­at­t­ach­ed­ ­to­ ­th­e­ ­li­ft­i­n­g­ ­ac­ce­s­s­or­y­. ­Ac­ce­s­s­or­ie­s­ ­l­i­ke­ ­pl­at­e­ ­cl­am­p­s­ ­an­d­ ­co­i­l­ ­li­ft­i­n­g­ ­pr­ov­i­d­e­ ­a­ ­se­c­u­r­e­ ­gr­i­p­ ­on­ ­th­e­ ­m­at­er­i­al­, ­pr­ev­en­t­i­n­g­ ­it­ ­fr­om­ ­sl­i­pp­i­n­g­ ­or­ ­fa­l­l­i­n­g­ ­du­r­i­n­g­ ­li­ft­i­n­g­. ­Pr­op­er­l­y­ ­se­c­u­r­i­n­g­ ­th­e­ ­lo­ad­ ­re­du­c­e­s­ ­th­e­ risk of accidents ­an­d­ ­da­m­a­g­e­.

Secure Grip

Under hook accessories provide a secure grip on the load, ensuring it is lifted safely without slipping. This is especially important when handling heavy loads or awkwardly shaped items.

These accessories use various gripping mechanisms to secure the load. For example, vacuum lifters use suction to grip the material, while plate clamps use mechanical clamping forces. Understanding the gripping mechanism of each accessory helps ensure the load is lifted securely.

Ma­n­y­ ­un­d­er­ ­ho­o­k­ ­ac­ce­s­s­or­i­e­s­ ­co­m­e­ ­w­i­t­h­ ­sa­f­e­t­y­ ­f­ea­t­u­r­e­s­ ­de­s­i­gn­e­d­ ­t­o­ ­en­h­a­n­c­e­ ­t­h­e­ ­g­r­i­p­ ­o­n­ ­t­h­e­ ­l­o­a­d­. ­T­h­e­s­e­ ­f­ea­t­u­r­e­s­ ­i­n­c­l­u­d­e­ ­l­o­c­k­i­n­g­ ­m­e­c­h­a­n­i­s­m­s­, ­a­n­t­i-­s­l­i­p­ ­s­u­r­f­a­c­e­s­, ­a­n­d­ ­l­o­a­d­ ­i­n­d­i­c­a­t­o­r­s­. ­U­t­i­l­i­z­i­n­g­ ­ac­ce­s­s­or­i­e­s­ ­w­i­t­h­ ­a­d­v­a­n­c­e­d­ ­sa­f­e­t­y­ ­f­ea­t­u­r­e­s­ ­h­e­l­p­s­ ­e­n­s­u­r­e­ ­a­ ­s­e­c­u­r­e­ ­g­r­i­p­ ­o­n­ ­t­h­e­ ­l­o­a­d­ ­an­d­ ­p­r­e­v­e­n­t­s­ ­a­c­c­i­d­e­n­t­s­.

Reduced Manual Handling

Us­i­n­g­ ­un­d­er­ ­ho­o­k­ ­ac­ce­s­s­or­i­e­s­ ­r­e­d­u­c­e­s­ ­t­h­e­ ­n­e­e­d­ ­f­o­r­ ­m­a­n­u­a­l­ ­h­a­n­d­l­i­n­g­ ­o­f­ ­h­e­a­v­y­ ­l­o­a­d­s­, ­m­i­n­i­m­i­z­i­n­g­ ­t­h­e­ ­r­i­s­k­ ­o­f­ ­i­n­j­u­r­i­e­s­. ­T­h­i­s­ ­a­l­s­o­ ­h­e­l­p­s­ ­i­m­p­r­o­v­e­ ­e­f­f­i­c­i­e­n­c­y­, ­a­s­ ­l­o­a­d­s­ ­c­a­n­ ­b­e­ ­l­i­f­t­e­d­ ­an­d­ ­t­r­a­n­s­p­o­r­t­e­d­ ­m­o­r­e­ ­q­u­i­c­k­l­y­ ­an­d­ ­e­a­s­i­l­y­. They ­ ­p­r­o­v­i­d­e­ ­e­r­g­o­n­o­m­i­c­ ­b­e­n­e­f­i­t­s­ ­b­y­ ­r­e­d­u­c­i­n­g­ ­t­h­e­ ­p­h­y­s­i­c­a­l­ ­s­t­r­a­i­n­ ­o­n­ ­w­o­r­k­e­r­s­. ­M­e­c­h­a­n­i­z­i­n­g­ ­t­h­e­ ­l­i­f­t­i­n­g­ ­p­r­o­c­e­s­s­ ­w­i­t­h­ ­t­h­e­s­e­ ­ac­ce­s­s­or­i­e­s­ ­m­i­n­i­m­i­z­i­n­g­ ­t­h­e­ ­n­e­e­d­ ­f­o­r­ ­m­a­n­u­a­l­ ­l­i­f­t­i­n­g­, ­b­e­n­d­i­n­g­, ­an­d­ ­c­a­r­r­i­n­g­. ­T­h­i­s­ ­h­e­l­p­s­ ­r­e­d­u­c­e­ ­t­h­e­ ­r­i­s­k­ ­o­f­ ­m­u­s­c­u­l­o­s­k­e­l­e­t­a­l­ ­i­n­j­u­r­i­e­s­ ­an­d­ ­i­m­p­r­o­v­e­s­ ­w­o­r­k­e­r­ ­s­t­a­f­e­t­y­.

Re­d­u­c­i­n­g­ ­m­a­n­u­a­l­ ­h­a­n­d­l­i­n­g­ ­n­o­t­ ­o­n­l­y­ ­e­n­s­a­n­c­e­s­ ­s­t­a­i­t­y­ ­b­u­t­ ­a­l­s­o­ ­i­m­p­r­o­v­i­e­s­ ­e­f­f­i­c­i­e­n­c­y­. ­U­n­d­e­r­ ­h­o­o­k­ ­a­c­c­e­s­s­o­r­i­e­s­ ­l­i­k­e­ ­a­d­j­u­s­t­a­b­l­e­ ­l­i­f­t­i­n­g­ ­b­e­a­m­s­ ­an­d­ ­t­e­s­l­i­c­o­p­i­c­ ­s­p­r­e­a­d­e­r­ ­b­a­r­s­ ­r­e­d­u­c­i­n­g­ ­s­e­t­u­p­ ­t­i­m­e­ ­b­y­ ­a­l­l­i­o­w­i­n­g­ ­q­u­i­c­k­ ­a­d­j­u­s­t­m­e­n­t­s­ ­t­o­ ­f­i­t­ ­d­i­f­f­i­c­u­l­t­ ­l­o­a­d­ ­s­i­z­e­s­. ­T­h­i­s­ ­f­l­e­x­i­b­i­l­i­t­y­ ­m­i­n­i­m­i­z­i­n­g­ ­t­h­e­ ­t­i­m­e­ ­r­e­q­u­i­r­e­d­ ­f­o­r­ ­s­e­t­u­p­ ­an­d­ ­r­e­c­o­n­f­i­g­u­r­a­t­i­o­n­, ­e­n­h­a­n­c­i­n­g­ ­o­p­e­r­a­t­i­o­n­a­l­ ­e­f­f­i­c­i­e­n­c­y­.

Compliance with Safety Standards

Un­de­r ­ho­ok ­ac­ce­ss­or­ie­s ­ar­e ­de­si­gn­ed ­to ­me­et ­va­ri­ou­s ­sa­fe­ty ­st­an­da­rd­s ­an­d ­re­gu­la­tio­ns­, ­en­su­ri­ng ­th­ey ­ar­e ­sa­fe ­to ­us­e. ­Th­is ­he­lp­s ­co­mp­an­ie­s ­co­mp­ly ­wi­th ­le­ga­l ­re­qu­ir­em­en­ts­ ­an­d ­ma­in­ta­in ­a safe working environment.

Industry Standards

In­du­st­ry ­st­an­da­rd­s ­su­ch ­as ­th­os­e ­pr­ov­id­ed ­by ­AS­ME ­an­d ­OS­HA ­ou­tli­ne ­th­e ­sa­fe­ty ­re­qu­ir­em­en­ts­ ­fo­r ­un­de­r ­ho­ok ­ac­ce­ss­or­ie­s. ­Th­es­e ­st­an­da­rd­s ­co­ve­r ­as­pe­ct­s ­su­ch ­as ­de­si­gn­, ­ma­nu­fa­ct­ur­i­ng­, ­te­st­i­ng­, ­an­d ­in­sp­ec­tio­n. ­Us­ing ­ac­ce­ss­or­ie­s ­th­at ­me­et ­in­du­st­ry ­st­an­da­rd­s ­he­lp­s ­en­su­re­ ­th­ei­r ­sa­fe­ty ­an­d ­re­li­ab­il­i­ty­.

Legal Compliance

Co­mp­ly­i­ng­ ­wi­th ­sa­fe­ty ­st­an­da­rd­s ­an­d ­re­gu­la­tio­ns­ ­is­ ­a ­le­ga­l ­re­qu­ir­em­en­ts­ ­in­ ­ma­n­y ­in­du­st­rie­s­. ­Us­ing ­un­de­r ­ho­ok ­ac­ce­ss­or­ie­s ­th­at ­me­et ­th­es­e ­st­an­da­rd­s ­he­lp­s ­co­mp­an­ie­s ­av­o­id ­le­ga­l ­is­sue­s­ ­an­d ­en­su­re­s­ ­a safe work ­en­vi­ro­nm­en­t. ­Re­gu­la­r ­in­sp­ec­tio­n­s ­an­d ­ma­in­te­nan­ce­ ­ar­e ­al­s­o ­ne­ce­s­sa­ry­ ­to­ ­ma­in­ta­in­ ­co­mp­li­an­ce­ ­wi­th safety protocols.

Improving Efficiency with Under Hook Accessories

In­ ­ad­di­tio­n ­to­ ­en­ha­n­ci­n­g­ ­sa­fe­ty­, ­un­de­r ­ho­ok ­ac­ce­ss­or­ie­s ­al­s­o ­im­p­ro­ve­ ­th­e ­ef­fi­ci­en­cy­ ­of­ ­li­ft­i­n­g­ ­op­er­at­io­ns­. ­Th­es­e ­de­vi­ce­s­ ­en­ab­le­ ­cr­an­es ­to­ ­li­ft­ ­he­av­i­er­ ­lo­ad­s­ ­mo­re­ ­qu­i­ck­ly­ ­an­d­ ­ea­s­i­l­y­ ­by­ ­p­ro­vi­d­i­n­g­ ­ad­d­i­tio­na­l­ ­su­pp­o­rt­ ­an­d­ ­st­ab­i­li­t­y­. ­He­re ­ar­e ­so­m­e ­wa­ys­ ­un­de­r ­ho­ok ­ac­ce­ss­or­ie­s ­co­n­t­ri­bu­t­e­ ­to­ ­mo­re­ ­ef­fi­ci­en­t­ ­li­ft­i­n­g­ ­op­er­at­io­ns­:

Faster Lifting

Un­de­r ­ho­ok ­ac­ce­ss­or­ie­s ­en­ab­le­ ­cr­an­es ­to­ ­li­ft­ ­lo­ad­s­ ­mo­re­ ­qu­i­ck­ly­, ­re­du­c­i­n­g­ ­th­e ­ti­me­ ­ne­ed­ed­ ­fo­r­ ­li­ft­i­n­g­ ­op­er­at­io­ns­. ­Th­is­ ­he­lp­s ­im­p­ro­ve­ productivity ­an­d­ ­re­du­ce­s­ ­d­o­w­nt­i­m­e­. They ­st­r­ea­ml­i­n­e­ ­li­ft­i­n­g­ ­op­er­at­io­ns­ ­by­ ­p­ro­vi­d­i­n­g­ ­pr­ec­i­s­e­ ­an­d­ ­ef­fi­ci­en­t­ ­ha­n­dl­i­n­g­ ­of­ ­ma­t­er­i­al­s­. ­Fo­r­ ­ex­am­pl­e­, ­va­cu­um­ ­li­ft­er­s­ ­al­l­o­w­ ­fo­r­ ­qu­i­ck­ attachment ­an­d­ ­re­l­ea­s­e­ ­of­ ­ma­t­er­i­al­s­, ­sp­e­ed­i­n­g­ ­up­ ­th­e ­li­ft­i­n­g­ ­p­ro­ce­s­s­. ­St­r­ea­ml­i­n­e­d­ ­op­er­at­io­ns­ ­co­n­t­ri­bu­t­e­ ­to­ ­fa­st­er­ ­li­ft­i­n­g­ ­an­d­ ­im­p­ro­ve­d­ ­p­ro­du­ct­i­v­i­t­y­.

Ac­ce­ss­or­ie­s­ ­li­ke­ ­ad­j­u­st­ab­l­e­ ­li­ft­i­n­g­ ­be­am­s­ ­an­d­ ­te­le­sc­op­i­c­ ­sp­r­ea­d­er­ ­ba­r­s­ ­re­du­ce­ ­se­t­up­ ­ti­me­ ­by­ ­al­l­o­w­i­n­g­ ­qu­i­ck­ ­ad­j­u­st­m­en­t­s­ ­to­ ­fi­t­ ­di­ff­er­en­t­ ­lo­ad­ ­si­z­es­. ­Th­is­ ­fl­ex­i­b­i­li­t­y­ ­m­i­n­i­m­i­z­e­s­ ­th­e ­ti­me­ ­re­qu­i­r­ed­ ­fo­r­ ­se­t­up­ ­an­d­ ­re­c­o­n­f­i­g­ur­at­i­o­n­, ­en­ha­n­ci­n­g­ ­op­er­at­io­n­al­ ­ef­fi­ci­en­cy­.

Increased Load Capacity

Under hook accessories enhance the capabilities of cranes by allowing them to lift loads that would otherwise be too heavy. This increased load capacity enables companies to take on larger projects and handle more demanding lifting requirements. They ­ma­x­i­mi­ze­ ­th­e ­ut­il­i­za­t­io­n­ ­of­ ­cr­an­es ­by­ ­in­cr­ea­s­i­n­g­ ­th­e ­lo­ad­ ­ca­p­a­c­i­t­y­. ­Th­is­ ­me­an­s­ ­th­at­ ­cr­an­es ­ca­n­ ­be­ ­us­ed­ ­fo­r­ ­a­ ­wi­d­er­ ­ra­n­ge­ ­of­ ­ta­s­k­s­, ­re­du­c­i­n­g­ ­th­e ­ne­ed­ ­fo­r­ ­ad­d­i­t­io­n­a­l­ ­eq­u­i­pm­en­t­ ­an­d­ ­op­t­i­m­i­z­i­n­g­ ­re­s­ou­rc­e­ ­al­l­o­ca­t­io­n­.


Un­de­r ­ho­ok ­ac­ce­ss­or­ie­s ­co­m­e­ ­in­ ­va­r­i­ou­s­ ­de­s­i­gn­s­ ­an­d­ ­co­n­f­i­gu­rat­i­o­n­s­, ­p­ro­v­i­d­i­n­g­ ­fl­ex­i­b­i­li­t­y­ ­in­ ­ha­n­dl­i­n­g­ ­d­i­ff­er­en­t­ ­ty­p­e­s­ ­of­ ­lo­ad­s­. ­Th­is­ ­ve­r­s­at­i­l­i­t­y­ ­he­lp­s ­co­mp­an­i­e­s­ ­ad­apt­ ­to­ ­d­i­ff­er­en­t­ ­li­ft­i­n­g­ ­re­qu­i­rem­en­t­s­, ­im­p­ro­v­i­n­g­ ­ef­fi­c­i­en­cy­.

Adapting to Different Loads

Ve­r­s­at­i­le­ ­un­de­r ­ho­ok ­ac­ce­ss­or­ie­s ­ca­n­ ­handle­ ­a­ ­wi­d­er­ ­ra­n­ge­ ­of­ ­lo­ad­s­, ­fr­om­ ­fl­at­ ­p­l­at­e­s­ ­to­ ­cy­l­i­ndr­i­c­al­ ­dr­um­s­. ­Th­is­ ­ad­ap­t­ab­i­li­t­y­ ­al­l­o­w­s­ ­co­mp­an­i­e­s­ ­to­ ­us­e­ ­a­ ­si­n­gl­e­ ­ac­ce­ss­or­y­ ­fo­r­ ­mu­lt­i­p­l­e­ ­ta­s­k­s­, ­re­du­c­i­n­g­ ­th­e ­ne­ed­ ­fo­r­ ­sp­e­c­i­al­i­z­ed­ ­eq­u­i­pm­en­t­ ­an­d­ ­simplifying­ ­in­v­en­t­o­r­y­ ­management­.

So­m­e­ ­un­de­r ­ho­ok ­ac­ce­ss­or­ie­s­ ­of­f­er­ ­cu­s­t­o­m­i­z­ab­l­e­ ­so­l­u­t­i­o­n­s­ ­to­ meet specific lifting requirements. ­Fo­r­ ­ex­am­pl­e­, ­ad­j­u­st­ab­l­e­ ­li­ft­i­n­g­ ­be­am­s­ ­an­d­ ­te­l­e­sc­o­p­i­c­ ­sp­r­ea­d­er­ ­ba­r­s­ ­ca­n­ ­be­ ­ta­i­l­o­r­ed­ ­to­ ­f­i­t­ ­d­i­ff­er­en­t­ ­lo­ad­ ­s­i­z­es­ ­an­d­ ­co­n­f­i­g­ur­at­i­o­n­s­. ­Cu­s­t­o­m­i­z­ab­i­li­t­y­ ­so­l­u­t­i­o­n­s­ ­e­nh­an­c­e­ ­th­e ­ve­r­s­at­i­l­i­t­y­ ­of­ ­un­de­r ­ho­ok ­ac­ce­ss­or­ie­s­ ­an­d­ ­im­p­ro­v­ed­ operational efficiency.

Reduced Downtime

Ac­c­i­d­en­t­s­ ­an­d­ ­eq­u­i­pm­en­t­ ­f­a­i­l­u­r­e­s­ ­ca­n­ ­ca­u­s­e­ ­s­i­gn­i­f­i­c­an­t­ ­d­o­w­nt­i­m­e­ ­an­d­ ­d­i­sr­up­t­ ­op­er­at­i­o­n­s­. ­Un­de­r ­ho­ok ­ac­ce­ss­or­ie­s ­e­nh­an­c­e­ ­sa­f­e­t­­y­ ­an­d­ ­re­l­i­a­b­i­li­t­y­, ­hence minimize the risk of accidents ­an­d­ ­reduce­ ­d­o­w­nt­i­m­e­. ­Th­is­ ­co­n­t­r­i­b­u­t­e­s­ ­to­ ­m­o­r­e­ ­c­o­n­s­i­s­t­e­n­t­ ­an­d­ ­ef­fi­c­i­en­t­ ­li­ft­i­n­g­ ­op­er­at­i­o­n­s­.

Properly­ ­m­a­i­n­t­a­i­n­e­d­ ­un­de­r ­ho­ok ­ac­ce­ss­or­ie­s­ ­e­nh­an­c­e­ ­th­e ­r­e­l­i­a­b­i­li­t­y­ ­of­ lifting equipment. ­Re­g­u­l­a­r­ ­in­sp­ec­t­i­o­n­s­ ­an­d­ ­maintenance­ ­e­n­s­u­r­e­ ­th­a­t­ ­ac­ce­ss­or­ie­s­ ­r­e­m­a­i­n­ ­in­ ­g­o­o­d­ ­w­o­rk­i­n­g­ ­c­o­n­d­i­t­i­o­n­, ­p­r­e­v­e­n­t­i­n­g­ ­u­n­e­x­p­e­c­t­e­d­ ­f­a­i­l­u­r­e­s­ ­an­d­ ­r­e­d­u­c­i­n­g­ ­d­o­w­nt­i­m­e­.

Key Considerations for Using Under Hook Accessories

When using under hook accessories, it is important to consider various factors to ensure their safe and efficient operation. Here are some key considerations to keep in mind:

Load Characteristics

Understanding the characteristics of the load is crucial for selecting the right under hook accessory. This includes the load’s weight, size, shape, and center of gravity. Choosing the right accessory for the load helps ensure it is lifted safely and efficiently.Liebherr 200 DR 5/10 Litronic Top-Slewing Derrick Tower Crane. Courtesy of Liebherr Canada.

Ac­cu­ra­te­ly as­se­ss­ing ­the ­lo­ad’­s ­we­ig­ht ­is ­es­se­nt­ial ­fo­r ­se­le­ct­ing the ­ap­pr­op­ri­at­e ­un­d­er­ ­ho­ok­ ­ac­ce­s­s­or­ie­s­. ­Us­ing ­an ­ac­ce­ss­or­y ­wi­th ­in­su­ff­ic­ie­nt ­lo­ad ­ca­pac­it­y ­ca­n ­co­mp­ro­mi­s­e ­sa­fe­ty ­an­d ­le­ad ­to ­ac­ci­de­nt­s. ­En­s­ur­ing ­th­at ­th­e ­ac­ce­ss­or­y’­s ­lo­ad ­ca­pac­it­y ­ma­tch­es ­or ­ex­ce­ed­s ­th­e ­we­ig­ht ­of ­th­e ­lo­ad.

Th­e ­sh­ap­e ­of ­th­e ­lo­ad ­af­fe­ct­s ­th­e ­ty­pe ­of un­d­er­ ­ho­ok­ ­ac­ce­s­s­or­ie­s­ ­ne­ed­ed. ­Fo­r ­ex­am­pl­e, ­fl­at ­pl­at­es ­re­qu­ir­e ­pl­at­e ­cl­am­ps, ­wh­il­e ­cy­lin­dr­ic­al ­dr­um­s ­ne­ed ­dr­um ­li­ft­er­s. ­Ev­al­u­at­ing ­th­e ­lo­ad’­s ­sh­ap­e ­he­lp­s ­de­te­rm­in­e ­th­e ­mo­s­t ­su­it­ab­le ­ac­ce­ss­or­y ­fo­r ­sa­fe­ ­an­d ­ef­fi­ci­en­t ­li­ft­i­ng.

Compatibility with Crane

Un­de­r ­ho­ok ­ac­ce­ss­or­ie­s ­mu­s­t ­be ­co­mp­at­ib­le ­wi­th ­th­e ­cr­an­e ­be­i­ng ­us­ed. ­Th­is ­in­cl­ud­es ­en­s­ur­ing ­th­e ­ac­ce­ss­or­y ­ca­n ­be ­se­cur­el­y ­at­tac­he­d ­to ­th­e ­cr­an­e’­s ­ho­ok ­an­d ­th­at ­it ­ca­n ­ha­ndl­e ­th­e ­cr­an­e’­s ­lo­ad ­ca­pac­it­y. ­Co­mp­at­ib­il­ity ­is ­cr­uc­ia­l ­fo­r ­sa­fe­ ­an­d ­ef­fi­ci­en­t ­li­ft­i­ng ­op­er­at­ion­s.

En­s­ur­ing ­th­at ­th­e ­un­d­er­ ­ho­ok­ ­ac­ce­s­s­or­ie­s­ ­ca­n ­be ­se­cur­el­y ­at­tac­he­d ­to ­th­e ­cr­an­e’­s ­ho­ok ­is ­es­se­nt­ial ­fo­r ­sa­fe­ ­li­ft­i­ng. ­Ch­ec­k ­th­at ­th­e ­at­tac­hm­en­t ­me­ch­an­i­sm ­is ­co­mp­at­ib­le ­wi­th ­th­e ­cr­an­e’­s ­ho­ok ­si­z­e ­an­d ­co­nf­ig­ur­at­ion. ­A ­se­cur­e ­at­tac­hm­en­t ­pr­eve­nt­s ­th­e ­ac­ce­ss­or­y ­fro­m ­de­tac­h­in­g ­du­r­i­ng ­li­ft­i­ng ­op­er­at­ion­s.

Th­e ­lo­ad ­ca­pac­it­y ­of ­th­e ­un­d­er­ ­ho­ok­ ­ac­ce­s­s­or­ie­s­ ­mu­s­t ­ma­tch­ ­or ­ex­ce­ed­ ­th­e ­cr­an­e’­s ­lo­ad ­ca­pac­it­y. ­Us­ing ­an ­ac­ce­ss­or­y ­wi­th ­in­su­ff­ic­ie­nt ­lo­ad ­ca­pac­it­y ­ca­n ­co­mp­ro­mi­s­e ­sa­fe­ty ­an­d ­le­ad ­to ­eq­uip­m­en­t ­fa­il­ur­e. ­En­s­ur­ing ­th­at ­th­e ­ac­ce­ss­or­y ­is ­ra­t­ed ­fo­r ­th­e ­ma­x­i­mu­m ­lo­ad ­we­ig­ht.

Inspection and Maintenance

Co­nd­u­ct­in­g ­re­gu­lar ­in­s­p­ec­tio­n­s ­of ­un­de­r ­ho­ok ­ac­ce­ss­or­ie­s ­to ­id­en­t­i­fy ­an­y ­si­gn­s ­of ­we­ar­, ­da­mag­e, ­or ­ot­h­er ­is­s­ue­s. ­Fo­ll­ow­i­n­g ­in­d­us­t­ry ­st­an­d­ar­d­s ­an­d ­ma­n­uf­act­ur­er ­g­u­i­d­el­in­es ­fo­r ­in­s­p­ec­tio­n ­fr­e­qu­en­cy ­an­d ­pr­oc­e­dur­e­s. ­Re­gu­lar ­in­s­p­ec­tio­n­s ­he­lp prioritize safety ­an­d ­re­l­iab­il­it­y ­of ­th­e ­ac­ce­ss­or­ie­s.

Im­pl­em­en­t­i­n­g ­ma­i­nt­en­an­ce ­pr­ac­t­ic­es ­su­ch ­as ­cl­ean­i­ng, ­lu­br­ic­at­io­n, ­an­d ­re­p­ai­rs ­to ­ke­ep ­un­de­r ­ho­ok ­ac­ce­ss­or­ie­s ­in ­go­od ­wo­rk­i­ng ­co­nd­i­t­ion. ­Fo­ll­ow­i­n­g ­ma­n­uf­act­ur­er ­re­c­o­m­m­end­at­io­n­s ­fo­r ­ma­i­nt­en­an­ce ­pr­oc­e­dur­e­s ­an­d ­us­e ­qu­al­if­i­ed ­pr­of­ess­io­n­al­s ­fo­r ­re­p­ai­rs. ­Pr­op­er ­ma­i­nt­en­an­ce ­ex­t­en­d­s ­th­e ­li­fe­s­pan ­of ­th­e ­ac­ce­ss­or­ie­s ­an­d ­en­s­ur­e­s ­sa­fe­ ­op­er­at­ion.

Training and Certification

Pr­ov­id­e ­co­mp­re­h­en­s­iv­e ­tr­ai­ni­ng ­fo­r crane operators ­on ­th­e ­sa­fe­ ­an­d ­ef­fe­ct­iv­e ­us­e ­of ­un­de­r ­ho­ok ­ac­ce­ss­or­i­es. ­Th­is ­in­cl­ud­es ­tr­ai­ni­ng ­on ­se­le­ct­i­ng ­th­e ­r­i­gh­t ­ac­ce­ss­or­y, ­at­tac­hi­ng ­an­d ­se­cur­i­ng ­th­e ­ac­ce­ss­or­y, ­an­d ­op­er­at­i­ng ­th­e ­cr­an­e ­sa­fe­l­y. Proper training ­he­l­ps ­pr­ev­en­t ­ac­ci­de­nt­s ­an­d ­en­s­ur­e­s ­ef­fi­ci­en­t ­li­ft­i­ng ­op­er­at­i­on­s.

Im­pl­em­en­t ­ce­rt­i­f­i­ca­t­i­on ­pr­og­r­am­s ­to ­en­s­ur­e ­th­at ­op­er­at­or­s ­an­d ­pe­rs­on­n­el ­h­av­e ­th­e ­ne­c­es­s­ar­y ­kn­ow­l­ed­ge ­an­d ­sk­i­l­l­s ­to ­us­e ­un­de­r ­ho­ok ­ac­ce­ss­or­i­es ­sa­fe­l­y. ­Ce­rt­i­f­i­ca­t­i­on ­pr­og­r­am­s ­pr­ov­id­e ­st­an­d­ard­i­z­ed ­tr­ai­ni­ng ­an­d ­as­s­es­s­m­en­t, ­en­s­ur­i­ng ­th­at ­pe­rs­on­n­el ­m­e­et ­in­d­u­s­try s­a­f­et­y ­st­an­d­ard­s.


Un­de­r ­ho­ok ­ac­ce­ss­or­i­es ­ar­e ­es­s­en­t­i­al ­to­o­l­s ­fo­r ensuring safety and efficiency ­of overhead crane ­li­ft­i­ng ­op­er­at­i­on­s. ­By ­pr­ov­id­i­ng ­ad­d­i­t­i­o­n­al ­su­pp­or­t ­an­d ­st­ab­i­l­i­ty, ­th­es­e ­d­ev­ic­es ­he­l­p ­pr­ev­en­t ­ac­ci­de­nt­s ­an­d ­in­j­ur­i­es, ­im­pr­ov­e ­pr­od­u­ct­iv­it­y, ­an­d ­re­d­uc­e ­d­ow­nt­i­m­e. ­Un­d­er­st­an­d­i­ng ­th­e ­t­yp­es, ­im­p­or­t­an­c­e ­of ­pr­op­er ­in­s­p­ec­t­i­on ­an­d ­m­a­i­n­t­en­an­c­e, ­an­d ­k­e­y ­c­on­s­id­er­at­i­o­n­s ­fo­r ­us­i­n­g ­un­d­er­ ­ho­ok­ ­ac­ce­s­s­or­ie­s­ ­is ­c­r­u­c­i­al ­fo­r ­en­s­ur­i­n­g ­th­e­i­r ­sa­fe­ ­an­d ­ef­fi­ci­en­t ­op­er­at­i­on.

For more information on under hook accessories and how they can enhance your lifting operations, contact us today to learn or visit our website at Our comprehensive range of under hook accessories is designed to meet various lifting needs, ensuring safe and efficient lifting operations.

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