San Marco Tower Crane Sale

San Marco Tower Crane Sale

Recently Eagle West Cranes & Equipment (acquired by Bigfoot Crane Company) was proud to complete the sale of new San Marco SMT 520 City Crane to Smedley Crane & Rigging out of Branford CT. As part of the sales process, I recently had the opportunity to visit the first job site for this crane in Cambridge MA for a Hanover Company jobsite.

The jobsite currently also is utilizing a San Marco Self Erecting Crane, the SMH 421. The customer has been pleased with their San Marco cranes and now with the two cranes on opposing corners of the site can service nearly the entire project with these 2 cranes. Getting to see both cranes on site in person gives a great appreciation for the increased efficiency these cranes can bring to a project.

The sale of this crane would not be possible without the entire team we have here at Eagle West (acquired by Bigfoot Crane Company)  working together to complete this delivery. Through production at the factory, delivery via sea containers from San Marco to Branford CT, trucking to Cambridge and setup on site it was a unique and learning experience to go through every stage of the sale and delivery on this crane.

Bigfoot Crane Company is proud to be the distributor for San Marco cranes and to learn what our self erecting, city, and tower cranes can do for your jobs please visit:


I want to personally thank all of the hard work of every member of our team that make opportunities like this possible and allow us to deliver the highest quality in both products and service to our customers.


San Marco City Crane SMT 520 Cambridge MA 2013 (2)San Marco Tower Crane

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