Bigfoot Crane Company Inc. has installed a Liebherr 125 EC-B 6 tower crane in North Vancouver, marking a significant milestone in the construction of a new apartment building developed by VPAC Construction Group. This deployment underscores the commitment of Bigfoot Crane Company Inc. to leverage advanced crane technology to facilitate complex urban construction projects.

Advanced Specifications

The Liebherr 125 EC-B 6 is a part of the innovative EC-B series known for its powerful performance and versatility in tight urban settings. With a maximum lifting capacity of 6,000 kg and a maximum hook height of up to 59 meters, this crane is designed to handle substantial loads efficiently. Its impressive reach of 58 meters makes it particularly suitable for high-rise construction projects like the apartment building in North Vancouver.

Technological Superiority

This crane integrates cutting-edge technology, including state-of-the-art safety systems like zone-limiting devices. These features are crucial for preventing the crane from entering restricted zones, thereby enhancing safety on congested construction sites.

Precision in Performance

The crane’s ability to deliver precise lifting with minimal vibration is essential for the accurate placement of construction materials, particularly in densely populated urban areas where precision avoids disruptions and increases safety.

Strategic Deployment by Bigfoot Crane

The Liebherr 125 EC-B 6 was chosen for this project, driven by Bigfoot Crane Company’s strategic approach to selecting the right tool to meet the specific site demands. The compact design of the crane, combined with its high load capacity, makes it an ideal choice for the limited space and high demand of urban construction sites.

Collaboration and Expertise

Bigfoot Crane Company’s expertise in crane operations adds an additional layer of efficiency to the project. The company’s proactive collaboration with VPAC Construction Group ensures that every aspect of the crane’s operation is aligned with the project’s timeline and safety regulations.

Commitment to Safety

Safety is a top priority for Bigfoot Crane Company, reflected in rigorous adherence to both regional safety regulations and their internal safety protocols. The deployment of the Liebherr 125 EC-B 6 was preceded by comprehensive site assessments and pre-lift planning to ensure a secure installation and operation process.

Liebherr 125 EC-B 6’s Debut Rental

The deployment of the Liebherr 125 EC-B 6 crane by Bigfoot Crane Company in North Vancouver represents an important milestone as it marks the crane’s inaugural project since being added to their rental fleet. This showcases Bigfoot Crane Company’s commitment to incorporating advanced technology into their services, catering to the needs of modern construction projects. Renting out this state-of-the-art crane for its first job underlines their dedication to providing clients with top-tier equipment, ensuring precision and safety in high-demand environments. The choice of the Liebherr 125 EC-B 6 highlights its suitability for urban projects requiring high capacity and meticulous control, setting a strong precedent for its future engagements across the construction industry.

Tower Crane Rental in Lower Mainland

Bigfoot Crane Company is your partner in crane rentals across the Lower Mainland, delivering reliable and efficient lifting solutions to the unique needs of your project. With a diverse fleet that includes cutting-edge technology like the Liebherr 125 EC-B 6, Bigfoot Crane Company is well-equipped to handle anything from intricate urban developments to expansive industrial projects. With a commitment to safety, combined with a deep understanding of local construction – you’ll have a trusted ally in ensuring project success. Bigfoot Crane Company is built on exceptional customer service, comprehensive training, and stringent maintenance protocols. Learn more about renting a tower crane.