Becoming a certified crane operator in British Columbia  is a significant achievement that opens up numerous opportunities in the construction and heavy equipment sectors. The BC Crane Operator Test is a crucial step in this certification process, designed to assess your knowledge and skills in operating various types of cranes safely and effectively. This detailed guide will walk you through what you need to know to prepare for and successfully pass this test.

An instructor and a woman bieng instructed on being a crane operator

Understanding the BC Crane Operator Certification

In British Columbia, crane operators must be certified according to the type of crane they intend to operate. This certification ensures that operators have the necessary skills and knowledge to perform their jobs safely, minimizing the risk of accidents on the job site. The BC Crane Safety authority outlines specific criteria and tests for different classes of crane operations, including mobile cranes, tower cranes, and boom trucks.

Types of Crane Operator Certifications in BC

  1. Mobile Crane Operator: Mobile cranes are versatile and used in various construction scenarios. Certification for mobile crane operators is categorized based on the tonnage they can handle.
  2. Tower Crane Operator: Specializing in the operation of stationary tower cranes used in high-rise construction. The certification focuses on the unique skills required for the vertical and horizontal movement of loads at significant heights.
  3. Folding Boom Truck Crane Operator: Commonly used in the delivery and transportation of materials. Operators must be skilled in maneuvering in tight spaces and precise placement of loads.

Each category has specific requirements and a tailored test to ensure operators are equipped for the challenges they will face.

Eligibility Requirements

To sit for the BC Crane Operator Test, candidates must meet several eligibility criteria:

  • Age and Education: Candidates must be at least 18 years old and have a minimum of a high school diploma or equivalent.
  • Experience: Depending on the certification, candidates must accumulate a certain number of hours of practical experience under the supervision of a certified operator.
  • Training: Completion of an approved training course specific to the type of crane operation is required. Training programs, like those offered by Bigfoot Crane Academy, prepare candidates through both theoretical learning and practical experience.

The Testing Process

The BC Crane Operator Test comprises two main components: a written examination and a practical assessment.

  1. Written Examination: This test covers a wide range of topics, including safety regulations, crane mechanics, load dynamics, and operational planning. Candidates must demonstrate a thorough understanding of the theoretical aspects of crane operation.
  2. Practical Assessment: This hands-on test evaluates the candidate’s ability to operate a crane under typical working conditions. It includes tasks like maneuvering the crane, handling loads, and executing specific operations that they will likely perform on the job.

Study Tips and Preparation Strategies

  • Review Study Materials: Make sure to review all study materials provided by your training school. Bigfoot Crane Academy offers comprehensive resources tailored to the specifics of the BC test.
  • Practical Experience: There’s no substitute for hands-on practice. Spend as much time as possible operating the type of crane for which you are seeking certification under the guidance of a mentor.
  • Mock Exams: Taking practice tests can help you familiarize yourself with the format and types of questions you might encounter on the actual test.
  • Safety Focus: A significant portion of the test will assess your understanding of safety practices. Be thorough in your study of safety protocols and best practices.

On the Day of the Test

  • Rest Well: Ensure you are well-rested before the test day; your mental clarity and physical alertness are crucial.
  • Arrive Early: Get to the test location early to settle any nerves and familiarize yourself with the environment.
  • Follow Instructions: Pay close attention to all instructions provided during the test, both written and practical.

After the Test

Once you pass the test, you will receive your BC Crane Operator Certification, which is a testament to your skills and knowledge. It’s important to remember that learning and development do not stop here. Ongoing education and re-certification are essential to maintain your qualifications and adapt to new technologies and regulations in the industry.


The BC Crane Operator Test is a rigorous but achievable milestone for those aspiring to a career in crane operations. By understanding the requirements, preparing thoroughly, and leveraging resources like those provided by Bigfoot Crane Academy, you can enhance your chances of success. This certification not only boosts your employability but also contributes to the overall safety and efficiency of the construction sites you will work on.

Entering this profession with a solid foundation of knowledge and skills will equip you to handle the demands of the job and pave the way for a successful career in crane operations.

Bigfoot Crane Training Academy classroom