
Civil Rigging: An Introduction to Safety and Certification Close up of crane hook

An Introduction to Civil Rigging

Why is the Bigfoot Crane Academy offering an Introduction to Civil Rigging Course? Just ask Ralf Notheis, Manager of the Academy.

“There is a huge need for this,” says Notheis, who speaks with passion. “There are way too many workers out there who are inadequately trained to do what they’re doing. They’re taking unnecessary risks with their lives every day.”

When talking to this professional, it doesn’t take long to figure out that he is very dedicated to one thing: safety.

Bigfoot’s Civil Rigging Course offers essential safety training for any construction worker or civil worker whose job involves lifting loads.

Notheis is thrilled that more and more riggers are becoming qualified through Bigfoot’s training, but he also knows that very soon qualification will not be enough. According to Notheis and other industry authorities, the time is quickly coming that every rigger will need to be certified.

“When that requirement comes,” Notheis projects, “we’re not talking about hundreds of people that will need training, but thousands, maybe even tens of thousands.”

This course gives owners and managers an opportunity to become industry leaders, it gives safety officers an opportunity to create the best work environment possible, and it gives workers the opportunity to do their job confidently and go home safe every night.

To stay ahead of the curve on safety and certification, learn more about our Civil Rigging Course by clicking the button below.


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Safety Officer wearing a safety vest and writing on a clip board.

Bigfoot Academy Courses are Tried, Tested, and True.

bigfoot academy courses instructor writing on clipboard


During the past two years, Bigfoot Academy Courses’ have been tried, tested, and found true in major cities in Canada with specialized rigging training for all of their civil workers. In the process of training hundreds of workers, Bigfoot has garnered valuable feedback from participants and improved critical aspects of the course.

Today, the course is being offered as a one-day (eight-hour) training experience, which is always a mixture of classroom learning and onsite coaching. Bigfoot’s Academy is providing some of the best training experiences in the industry.


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Basics of Civil Rigging

The goal of Bigfoot’s Civil Rigging Course is to educate the untrained worker. The course focuses on the proper use of equipment, on lifting practices, and on the potential hazards of the work environment. Eighty percent of rigging failures are…

Civil Rigging - Our training is practical

Our training is well known for being practical, helpful and engaging. Our instructors have years of on-the-job experience and they combine their knowledge with a passion for teaching, which comes out clearly in the format of the training.

“We teach theory and practical,” says Ralf Notheis, Manager of Bigfoot’s Academy, “so that means we spend some time in the classroom, then we get out on the job, in the rain and in the mud with our gloves on, to make sure it works in real life. We don’t just tell people what they need to know, we show them why they need to know it.”


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Two men helping lower shoring with an excavator into a hole.

Two men helping lower shoring with an excavator into a hole.

“The Civil Rigging Course helps workers move loads safely. Really, it’s for anyone who does any kind of mechanized lifting, using equipment like excavators or backhoes to move loads into place. Ideally, we want to make this course available to every civil works crew and every construction company in Canada—it’s that important.”

– Ralf Notheis, Manager of Bigfoot’s Academy.

Bigfoot’s training for civil riggers empowers workers with knowledge so that they can be confident on job sites. With adequate training, they can perform their work with the kind of self-assurance and professionalism that is required in a high-risk environment.

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