The Ultimate Guide to Protecting Your Construction Site This Winter

winter crane safety

Winter weather poses unique challenges for construction sites, from freezing temperatures and high winds to snow and ice accumulation. To maintain safety and productivity, it’s essential to prepare your site for these harsh conditions. This guide outlines practical steps to protect your construction site during winter. Step 1: Prioritize Wind Monitoring with Anemometers Wind is […]

Crane Attachments: A Guide to Improving Lift Material Handling 

Cr­an­es ­ar­e ­essential ­in ­co­ns­tr­uc­tio­n, ­ma­nu­fa­ct­ur­i­ng, ­an­d ­lo­g­i­st­ic­s, ­en­gi­ne­er­ed ­fo­r ­he­av­y ­li­ft­ing ­an­d ­pr­ec­is­e ­mo­v­em­en­t ­of ­la­rg­e, ­of­ten ­un­w­ie­ld­y ­ma­t­er­ia­ls. ­Th­ei­r ­tr­ue efficiency and versatility ­sh­in­e ­wh­en ­eq­ui­pp­ed ­w­it­h ­va­ri­ou­s ­at­tac­hm­en­t­s, ­en­ha­nc­ing ­th­ei­r ­ca­pa­bi­li­t­ie­s ­an­d ­en­s­ur­ing ­sa­fe­r, ­mo­re ­ef­fe­ct­iv­e ­ma­t­er­ia­l ­ha­nd­li­ng. ­Th­is comprehensive guide ­ex­pl­or­es ­th­e ­di­ve­rs­e ­wo­rl­d ­of ­cr­an­e ­at­tac­hm­en­t­s, ­ex­am­in­i­ng ­th­ei­r ­ty­pe­s, ­ap­pl­ic­at­io­ns, […]

The Power of Civil Rigging: Elevating Safety and Efficiency

Civil rigging focuses on civil infrastructure projects. It requires a deep understanding of load dynamics and safety protocols. Obtaining a civil rigging certification enhances safety and efficiency, reducing accidents and fostering trust among stakeholders.

The Rossland Rescue and Bigfoot’s Core Values

“We had a concrete pour scheduled for Friday before the long weekend,” said Justin Tanguay, of DJM Contracting in Rossland, B.C., “but our crane was down.”

Justin and his team were well aware that concrete was in high demand at the time. So, rescheduling a pour could completely mess up project planning. “There was something wrong with the slew motor on our…

Rigging Hitches: Choosing the Best Hitch For Your Load | Civil Rigging

Civil Rigging: Rigging Hitches - Choosing the Best Hitch for Your Lead

Riggers need to be aware of various types of hitches, so that they can determine which configuration is best for the particular load they are lifting. The four main categories of hitches are: Vertical hitch Bridle hitch Basket hitch Choker hitch According to Ralf Notheis, Manager of Bigfoot Crane Academy, choosing the best hitch for […]

Inspecting Your Rigging: Checking Equipment with Confidence | Civil Rigging

Civil Rigging: Inspecting your Rigging - Checking Equipment with Confidence

Inspecting Civil Rigging – Keys to Safety Inspecting civil rigging should be something every rigger nows how to do. They also need to be able to check their equipment with confidence to determine whether it is safe and ready to use or it is unsafe and in need of removal. According to Ralf Notheis, Manager […]

Determining Weight: The Key to a Safe and Successful Lift | Civil Rigging

Civil Rigging: Determining Weight: The Key to a Safe and Successful Lift

Determining Weight for Civil Rigging One of the rigger’s most important tasks is determining weight for civil rigging, specifically the weight of the load. This is the first critical step in planning a successful and safe lift. Do you know the three basic ways that riggers determine weight? According to Ralf Notheis, Manager of Bigfoot […]

Hand Signals: Clear Communication on Job Sites | Civil Rigging

Civil Rigging: Hand Signals - Communication on Job Sites

Crane Hand Signals Clear Communication on Job Sites – Civil Rigging Why are crane hand signals for clear communication on job sites so important for Civil Rigging? Knowing the correct crane hand signals and how to properly communicate them can mean the difference between safety and injury on the job. According to Ralf Notheis, Manager […]

Terminology & Speaking the Same Language | Civil Rigging

Two men helping lower shoring with an excavator into a hole.

Civil Rigging Terminology Why is it so important to understand terminology for Civil Rigging? Because every piece of equipment serves a special purpose and contributes to a safer and more efficient work environment. Ralf Notheis, Manager of Bigfoot Crane Academy explains, “When a qualified rigger asks for a shouldered eye bolt and another worker hands […]