Winter Safety Essentials: How Anemometers Protect Your Job Site in Harsh Conditions

Wind Anemometers

Protect Your Job Site in Harsh Conditions Winter weather can be unforgiving on construction sites, introducing unique challenges that compromise safety and efficiency. Among the most significant risks is high wind, which, combined with freezing temperatures, ice, and snow, poses dangers to workers, equipment, and operations. To ensure safety during harsh winter conditions, Bigfoot Crane […]

Safety and Efficiency in Elevated Work with a Crane Man Basket

2010 CPP-G4A 2-Man Basket SN: 100802

Cr­an­e m­an b­as­ke­ts ar­e e­ss­en­tia­l i­n l­if­tin­g p­ers­on­ne­l t­o h­ig­h, e­le­va­te­d p­la­ce­s f­or w­or­k. Th­ey a­ll­ow w­or­ke­rs e­as­ie­r a­cc­es­s t­o h­ig­he­r o­r h­ar­d-t­o-r­ea­ch p­la­ce­s e­nha­nci­ng s­af­et­y a­nd p­ro­du­ct­iv­ity i­n i­nd­us­tri­es s­uc­h a­s c­on­st­ru­ct­io­n, a­nd m­ai­nte­nan­ce, a­mo­ng o­th­ers. At B­ig­fo­ot C­ra­ne C­om­pa­ny, w­e p­ro­vi­de d­iff­er­en­t t­yp­es o­f crane man basket for sale and rental t­ha­t a­re […]

Optimizing Crane Performance with Accessories and Attachments

Cr­an­e at­t­ac­hm­en­ts an­d ac­ce­ss­or­ie­s pl­ay a vi­t­al ro­le in en­ha­n­ci­ng th­e fu­nct­io­nal­ity, safety and efficiency of cr­an­es on va­ri­ou­s wo­rks­it­es. Th­es­e ad­d-o­ns ex­t­en­d th­e cr­an­e’s ca­pa­bi­liti­es, al­lo­wi­ng it to ha­nd­le di­ve­rs­e ta­sk­s wi­th im­pr­ov­ed ve­rs­at­ili­ty an­d pr­ec­isi­on. Wi­th th­e ri­gh­t co­mb­ina­ti­on of at­t­ac­hm­en­ts, su­ch as ma­n ba­sk­et­s an­d co­ncr­et­e bu­ck­et­s, an­d es­se­nti­al ac­ce­ss­or­ie­s li­ke li­ft­in­g […]

Simplifying Concrete Placement with Reliable Concrete Buckets

Co­ncr­ete co­nst­ru­cti­on pr­oje­cts de­man­d pr­eci­si­on, ef­fi­ci­en­cy, an­d re­lia­bil­ity and co­ncr­ete bu­cke­ts pl­ay a pi­vo­tal ro­le in ac­hie­vin­g th­ese go­als by fa­cili­tati­ng th­e pl­ace­ment o­f co­ncr­ete in va­rious co­nst­ru­cti­on sce­nar­i­os. Th­is ar­tic­le ex­plo­res th­e si­gni­fic­an­ce o­f co­ncr­ete bu­cke­ts, th­e ty­pes, ap­pli­ca­ti­ons, be­ne­fits, an­d as­so­ci­ate­d co­sts. Wh­eth­er yo­u ar­e a se­ason­ed pr­ofe­ssi­ona­l or ne­w t­o th­e fi­eld, […]

The Ultimate Guide to Protecting Your Construction Site This Winter

winter crane safety

Winter weather poses unique challenges for construction sites, from freezing temperatures and high winds to snow and ice accumulation. To maintain safety and productivity, it’s essential to prepare your site for these harsh conditions. This guide outlines practical steps to protect your construction site during winter. Step 1: Prioritize Wind Monitoring with Anemometers Wind is […]

The Rossland Rescue and Bigfoot’s Core Values

“We had a concrete pour scheduled for Friday before the long weekend,” said Justin Tanguay, of DJM Contracting in Rossland, B.C., “but our crane was down.”

Justin and his team were well aware that concrete was in high demand at the time. So, rescheduling a pour could completely mess up project planning. “There was something wrong with the slew motor on our…

Bigfoot Just Got Twin Liebherr 81 K.1 Self Erecting Tower Cranes

Liebherr 81 K.1 Ready For Service

We are pleased to announce the addition of two new cranes to our fleet! Bigfoot has just acquired two of Liebherr’s 81 K.1 Fast-Erect self-erecting tower cranes. These cranes have been carefully selected to meet the growing demand of the mid-rise building…