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Market News, Tips & Tricks

We care about you. Believe us or not, we value all people in our industry. We want to share our experiences both failures and successes so we can all succeed and grow in our businesses.

Who We Are

Bigfoot Crane Company Inc. is a value-driven organization. We strive to be a leader in the high-angle materials handling industry by providing the best in cranes, hoists, under-hook accessories, service and solutions. With 29 years of experience, we understand the challenges our customers face.
We have developed our team, service and product selection accordingly to ensure that we can deliver meticulous quality and excellence every time.

What We Will Provide

Equipment Reviews

Equipment and people are the heart of the industry. Sometimes we don’t know what brand or type of equipment will work best. We review our experiences with our equipment purchases and share them with you. Hopefully you will also share your experiences with us so we can create a dynamic community of knowledgable professionals.


Tips are awesome ways to help us do our jobs better. Whether it’s carving a watermelon or how to keep water cold on site. Yes, these aren’t always the tips but we share a ton of great tips for you to use.


These aren’t gimmicks. These are tested and true ways to help encourage better, faster and more fun work. When we can use tricks of the trade we can get jobs done fast, safe and effective, that makes us all more productive, which gives us higher profitability and value to our customers.

What we won’t provide


We really take pride in the content we create and we only send out valued content based on our internal and external customer feedback. You can unsubscribe at any time but we believe you won’t want to.

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